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Lesson 2

Review the three steps in Lesson 1.


With the dog near you, call his name. Hold the treat out to him in your hand. Bring hand toward your body and upward over the dog's head, which will cause him to sit. Say the word "Sit". As he sits, praise with "good dog" and give the treat. Pet on the head if he is very enthusiastic.


From the sit position, while holding a treat in your hand, tell the dog "Down" and motion to the dog to go down by lowering your hand or patting the ground in front of him. If he is tentative about going down, you may gently move his leg downward so that he understands your command. Once he is down, give him the "good dog" praise then give him the treat. If he does this quickly, you may pet him on the back, from his head to his tail.


From the down position, tell the dog to "Stand" while holding a treat in your hand, close to the dog's nose. Move your hand away from the dog's nose in a parallel position and take a step back with your left foot. This will cause the dog to stand. Praise him with "good dog" and give him a treat. From this position you can practice the "Sit, Down, and Stand commands" a few times.


Without a leash

A. Stand facing the dog. While holding a treat, place your left hand by the dog's nose and make an outward then backward then circular motion and bring your hand forward and up your left side. The dog should follow and come to sit at your side. Praise him with "good dog" and give him a treat. When you are ready to relax, tell the dog, "play, play" then he will know it's okay to release his position.

With a leash

B. Attach a leash to the dog's collar. Stand facing the dog. Hold the leash loosely in both hands, along with the treat. Place the treat on top of the leash so that the dog can see/smell it. The dog should follow your backward motion as described in A. above. You should NEVER TUG at the leash, but simply provide guidance.

Before you go on to Lesson 03, practice each day until your dog is doing these skills reliably and with ease.




  • Remember to practice at least one 15 minute session per day. One time is good, more often is better!

  • Remember only one word commands!

  • Start and end with easy exercises. Do learning exercises in the middle of the session.

  • Always end a training session with COME!, then PLAY!!!

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Basic Orientation Book!

This is Lesson 2.

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