January-March, 2001

Welcome back to the ACI Newsletter. In our Winter 2001 edition, we talk about picking the right puppy, tips on caring for your dog in cold weather, fun facts about the behavior of blinking, why your dog likes to roll in foul-smelling things and a quick and easy frosty treat for your dog.

Please send your favorite treat recipes, stories, pictures or contributions to our editor at
editor@dogskool.com. We really enjoy getting feedback from our readers. We wish you and your pet the best in the year 2001!

ACI NEWS | How to Pick the Right Puppy | How to Pick the Right Puppy/
Cold Weather Common Sense | Cold Weather Common Sense
Did you know…. | Lexi's Corner

Online training advice is a very sticky area, since every dog, owner and situation is different. Everything written in the ACI News merely offers suggestions to get dog owners thinking. We encourage all dog owners to take obedience classes, talk to their vets, and work with professional trainers so that their relationships with their dogs can be everything they should be.

Phone: 408.733.2829
Phone: 888.290.4780
Email:  training@dogskool.com
Web:    www.dogskool.com

965 Lakewood Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

Editor:  editor@dogskool.com