October--December, 2001

is to give chase and if you pull your hand away quickly, he'll go for your hand again. If done correctly, the puppy should instantly remove his mouth and look confused. At this point, quickly substitute a toy, such as a ball, that the puppy can chew on. This redirects the puppy's biting behavior to the toy. The puppy learns that it is no fun biting you, but chewing on the toy is. You will need to do this multiple times if the puppy gets excited during play. However, if the yelping makes the puppy more excited, try another approach.

Stop the action - If the puppy is mouthing or biting you, immediately leave the room. This is a method children can also safely use. After multiple times, the puppy will learn that every time he bites, he loses his playmate and that isn't any fun.

Holding the mouth open - The simplest method for handling this behavior is to very quickly grab their mouth and hold it open, while simultaneously saying a very stern "no" in a low tone. This is done by placing your thumb and middle fingers over the bridge of the nose and pinching the upper lips against the upper teeth. Wait about 1 second and let go. This will take a few sessions, but the puppy will soon put together that the bite  instantly causes his mouth to be held shut. Note: This is not a method that children should use as discipline. Sometimes it looks like fun to do this to the puppy, but children may prompt the puppy to bite so they can hold the jaw. Additionally, they may get hurt or hurt the puppy.

Holding the mouth shut - The simplest method for handling this behavior is to very quickly grab their mouth and hold it shut, while simultaneously saying a very stern "no" in a low tone. This is done by having your thumb over the top of their nose and your fingers below the bottom of the jaw. There is no need to firmly squeeze the upper and lower jaw together. Hold the puppy's mouth closed for a few seconds. Your puppy will whine as this is uncomfortable and he won't like it. Wait 4 or 5 seconds and then let go. This will take a few sessions, but the puppy will soon put together that the bite instantly causes his mouth to be held shut. Note: This is not a method that children should use as discipline. Sometimes it looks like fun to do this to the puppy, but children may prompt the puppy to bite so they can hold the jaw. Additionally, they may get hurt or hurt the puppy.

Choke chain and leash correction - Use a choke chain and attach it to a six-foot leash. Standing at your puppy's right side, hold the leash with both hands, a little below your waist level. Jerk the leash sideways and slightly upward to the right, which tightens the collar around the neck. As you jerk the leash, say "no" in a firm tone of voice. Set up a situation in which your puppy or dog will be likely to nip or mouth. Initiate a corrective jerk and tell him no as soon as he begins the behavior. Use a gentle tone with a shy dog and a firmer tone with a stubborn dog. Praise him when he ceases the behavior and offer an acceptable chew toy.

Other Considerations

Consider his feelings
- When bringing a puppy or dog into your home, be considerate of his emotional state. He may feel threatened or cornered by all the attention he is receiving. You need to gain his trust, so approach him in a calm way, talking quietly and reassuringly, and never grab or lunge for him. Place a treat in your hand and let him come to you, then slowly reach toward him. This calm approach is especially important with a shy or timid dog, or perhaps one who comes from a shelter and has a history or abuse or neglect.

Social handling - This exercise is one of the most important, and should start on the first day you bring your puppy or dog home and continue throughout the dog's life. You need to be able to touch every part of your dog's body so you can take care of him. It is a good bonding experience and teaches him to trust being handled. Sit on the floor and lay your puppy or dog in your lap, or at your side for larger dogs. By positioning yourself above the puppy or dog as it is lying still, you are putting yourself in the dominant position, which will help maintain (or establish) your dominant position in the family. Run your hands over his body, starting with his head, touching and examining the ears, and running your hands over the eyelids. Open the dog's mouth and examine the teeth and gums, rubbing your finger along the dog's gum line. Give him a massage as you run your hands down its neck to the shoulders, down the legs, touching the paws, toenails and the area between the pads. Continue in this manner until you have touched every inch of his body. If you prefer, the dog can be standing while you examine him. This should be a relaxing and enjoyable experience for the dog, but mostly you want the dog to become comfortable with being touched. If your dog is hurt or sick, it will make it easier for the veterinarian to examine him if he is accustomed to being touched. The same thing applies if he needs to be groomed; it will be a lot easier on you or the groomer when you clip his nails or clean his ears if he is relaxed about it.

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