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If you buy this from me, my dogs get treat money (not enough for a dog house).

How To Teach The Stand Command

From the sit or down position, tell the dog to “Stand” while holding a treat in your hand, close to the dog’s nose. Move your hand away from the dog’s nose in a parallel position and take a step back with your left foot. This will cause the dog to stand. Praise him with “good dog” and give him a treat. From this position you can practice the “Sit, Down, and Stand” commands a few times.


From the sit or the down position, holding a treat in your hand close to the dog's nose, move your hand away from the dog's nose in a forward direction. This will cause the dog to stand. As soon as your dog stands, say "Good," wait a moment and give him a treat. From this position, you can practice the "Sit" and "Down" commands a few times.

Repeat until your dog is standing easily.

Once your dog is standing easily with your target motion, you can introduce the stand command. As your dog stands, say the word "Stand." When your dog is standing, say "Good," wait a moment and give the treat. Pet your dog on the head if he is very enthusiastic.