Related Information

Dog Health Care
How To Choose A Vet
When To Call The Vet

Canine First Aid
Pet Poison Prevention Chart
How To Identify Symptoms Of Illness
Canine Diseases
Canine Physical Care
Canine Parasites
The Dangers Of Foxtails

Offsite Related Information
If you buy this from me, my dogs get treat money (not enough for a dog house).



Pet Poison Prevention

Spring is here and there’s something in the air.  It’s the time of year when we find ourselves out in the garden, cleaning out the garage and doing ‘spring cleaning’ inside the house.  Whatever your project is during this time, please be ware of some potential risks to your pet’s health.  There are so many things that can harm our dog or cat, and could even be life threatening.  Whether I am gardening or cleaning out a closet or storage area, my dog is right there, checking on my every move and sniffing at everything to see what it is.  Our pets are naturally curious, and while your back is turned, they could be getting into something that is poisonous to them.  Here is a list of some things to watch out for.